The weather is hottest from December to April, and the humidity is high (often 80% or higher). The months of May to October bring drier, cooler weather, and livelier seas (particularly on South-Eastern coasts) and winds of 19 -37 kilometers per hour are common. On average the number of rainy days in Seychelles during this period is 11 with long periods of sunshine. Dry spells of two weeks or more are fairly common.
It is generally cooler when the North-West trade winds blow during the months of November to March. The sea is generally calm, the weather warm and humid with average winds of 15 – 22 kilometers per hour. A larger amount of the annual rainfall falls during the months of December to February compared to other months. The average number of rainy days (with 1 millimetre or more rainfall) are in December, January and February with approximately 18, 17 and 11 days respectively. It is also fairly cloudy at times during those months and therefore less sunshine.